“A mountaintop is not simply an elevation, but an island, a world within a world, a place out of place.”
- Paul Gruchow

Recent Posts

Long Trail: Day 3 (The Longest Day)

September 6th, 2021: Goddard Shelter to Stratton Pond Shelter (19.5 miles) They say the harder the challenge, the better the reward. I don’t know if I agree with this, as plenty of things...

Long Trail: Day 2 (Hiking through Vermud)

September 5th, 2021: Congon Shelter to Goddard Shelter (14.4 miles) It was a chilly morning, with a lot of fog, and the forecast called for rain later in the afternoon. After a quick bite, I said...

Long Trail: Day 1 (A Most Expected Journey)

September 4th, 2021: LT Southern Terminus to Congon Shelter (10 miles) The morning began with a mad scramble… I had assumed that Bennington being a decent sized city would have some Uber and...

Long Trail: Day 0 (The night before…)

September 3rd, 2021: Bennington, VT I’ve made it to Vermont!!! All resupply packages have been dropped off, my vehicle has been parked approximately 273 miles north of where I currently am. I am...

Long Trail: Preparation Part 3, The Gear List

Welcome adventurers to the second part of my LT thru-hike preparation series. My last post was about logistics for getting to and from the trail. This week, I will be going into the dreaded GEAR LIST...

Long Trail: Preparation Part 2, Logistics

If you are interested in reading my last post on resupplying on trail, check it out here. Hello again, welcome to my second post on my thru-hike preparation. In this post, I will go over how I’m...

Long Trail: Preparation Part 1, Food & Resupply Strategy

Hello again everyone. I can’t believe it, but here I am making another blog entry, and here you are reading it. Shouts to us!!! In my earlier post, I gave a background on my planned September...

So…You’re Hiking the Long Trail

In September 2021, I am planning on attempting my very first long distance thru-hike…which will take place on the Long Trail located in Vermont. What’s a thru-hike?: A thru-hike is an...

Hello Friends

If you are reading this, then you’ve arrived at my blog. You must truly be desperate for content. Might I interest you in one of the several thousand streaming services that are available, or...

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