Long Trail: Day 4 (Green Mountain House)

September 7th, 2021: Stratton Pond Shelter to VT-11 (10.5 miles)

Today my only goal was making it in one piece to the Green Mountain House Hiker Hostel. Compared to the last few days, it would be a low mileage day. All I had to do was make it to the road and contact the Green Mountain House and they would send a free shuttle.

It was a bumpy hike, the trail had less mud, but way more roots and rocks. 11 mostly uneventful miles later, and I made it to the road around 12pm and my driver arrived 30 minutes later.

She took me straight to the Hostel, and I received the tour. The kitchen was available to use for everyone, they had many beds, and most importantly, hot running water. I took a shower, and it was glorious. Hikers trickled in for the next few hours. It was good to have the company.

WARNING: Gross feet incoming, so if you are sensitive to that skip over the next pic. Also don’t clip it and sell it to a foot fetish website unless I get some percentage of it. Thank you.

After the shower, I did laundry, cleaned my shoes, (they have a shoe drier!!!) And ordered some delivery pizza from Christos (delicious).

Most importantly, I was able to speak with my wife and let her know I was not dead. It was good to hear her voice and hear that our dogs are doing well (except for Sadie jumping on counters).

Side Note: I would 100% recommend any hiker passing through Manchester to stay at the Green Mountain House, it was cheap and has everything you could want. Plus the owners are extremely friendly and welcoming.

Previously: Up and over Stratton Mountain

Tomorrow: Big Branch Shelter


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