Long Trail: Day 22 (Journey’s End)

October 5th, 2022: VT-242 to the Canadian border (11.4 miles)

Years of planning have led me to today. 262 miles down…11 to go. Like a kid on Christmas, I was so jazzed when my alarm went off. I took a hot shower ate a quick breakfast, and left Grandpa Grunt’s. It was pitch black outside when I dropped my room key off and left for the Journey’s End parking lot.

The sun was just below the horizon as I drove the 30 minutes to Journey’s End road. Like most trail access roads, it was mostly rocks, I had to slow down considerably as I inched further along. Once I made it to the “lot”, I parked and got my gear together. I picked up my pack, and smiled, it could not have weighed more than 10 lbs at the most. That is when I knew it was going to be a good day.

A few minutes later, a large SUV pulled up on the road, and the driver’s side window was rolled down. A gentleman looked at me and asked “Matthew?”. I replied in the affirmative, and I loaded my pack in the back and got inside. I learned the drivers name was Adam. Him and his wife thru-hiked the Long Trail a few years back with their kids. I was floored, hiking it by myself was hard enough. They now lived near the northern terminus and shuttled hikers when they were available.

On the way to the trailhead, we passed a border patrol vehicle, which made me remember that we were indeed near the Canadian border. I could not imagine they got much action up here.

Approximately 20 minutes later, we arrived at the trailhead, I thanked Adam for the ride and grabbed my things.

The first few miles of the trail today were going to be the hardest. Jay Peak was last big climb of the trek A 1,600 ft climb in under 2 miles. Normally, this would be a very difficult ascent, with a great night of sleep and an extremely lightweight pack, I made quick work of it.

The long Trail saved the best for last. The views atop Jay Peak rivaled those on Mansfield. I could see clear for miles in each direction, and there was no one else there. I was a bit shocked, as this was one of the most popular hikes in the area and the weather was beautiful.

An appropriate amount of time later I continued down the Jay Peak ski trails, every step brining me closer to Canada and an end to my adventure. It was a bittersweet feeling knowing I was this close to finishing my goal.

Aided by my lighter-than-air pack and the nicest weather day I had on trail in the past 2 years, I was able to get through the final three mountains in between the northern terminus and I. Doll Peak, Burnt Mountain, and Carleton Mountain were pretty easy compared to what I had done previously. I took one remaining lunch break at Shooting Star shelter prior to the final push.

Two SOBO thru-hikers who were just starting passed me after lunch. I thought I started late, but with snow in the forecast for next week, I can’t say I envied them.

VT-105 was the last road crossing of the Long Trail, and offered me one last great glimpse of the fall colors.

On October 5th, 2022 at approximately 1315 hours, I made it to Line Post 592, a small monument marking the border between the United States of America and Canada. I climbed on top of it, and gave a Ric Flair “WOO!!!” shout as I thrust my trekking poles into the air. 272 miles down…0 miles to go.


I spent the next half an hour taking photos and enjoying lunch. Somehow I had phone service, so I called my wife to excitedly deliver the good news and let her know I was coming home.

It was such a beautiful day, I was kind of sad picking up my pack, and taking one last look at Journey’s End before leaving. I had spent many days on this trail wanting to quit, and here I was mourning the fact that it was over.

From the Northern Terminus, the Long Trail ended and the Journey’s End Trail branched from it. It was a gentle 1.3 mile descent to the Parking lot. Along the way, I almost stepped on a decently sized snake. I did not expect to see one this far north, but it must have been enjoying the unseasonably warm fall day. I apologized for disturbing it, and moved on. Less than an hour later, I made it back to Ol’ Silver.

A quick, 12 hour drive later, and I was back in Virginia with my wife and dogs, happy for the adventure of a lifetime, and happier to be home with the person I love.

Until next time friends!!!

Previously: Almost There


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