Long Trail: Day 18 (Resupply at Johnson)

October 1st, 2022: Sterling Pond to Roundtop Shelter (14 miles)

Today was an interesting day. I had to make it 10 miles to Johnson Hardware, resupply, then continue an additional 4 miles to my destination . 14 miles is not nearly the highest mileage day I have done, but on the Long Trail, it feels equivalent to 20+ miles on an easier trail.

I started my day with two difficult climbs over Madonna Peak and Whiteface Mountain. Madonna Peak was a nice way to start the day. I hiked near ski huts, chair lifts, all while enjoying beautiful views along the way.

The View From Madonna Peak

Whiteface Mountain however…less fun. It was another challenging, steep hike up to a covered peak with less-than-stellar views. Thankfully, descending Whiteface was much more forgiving.

Approximately 3 miles later, I reached Bear Hollow Shelter. I thought about taking a break, but it was only 4 miles to Johnson Hardware, and I wanted to leave myself as much time as possible to reach Roundtop Shelter.

The 4 miles after the shelter were a boon. The trail was an actual trail, and it was a nice and gradual all the way to West Settlement Road. From there it was flat all the way to VT-15. Johnson Hardware was maybe a tenth of mile down the road, and was sight for sore eyes.

I was able to pick up my resupply, use their bathroom, and charge my devices. In addition, they gave me fresh cold water, chips, and a coke. It was heaven. On top of all that, they have a great selection of hiking gear, food, and pretty much anything you would need on the trail. While I was there, I picked up a some hand-warmers since the weather was continuing to drop, and some of Vermont’s finest product, Darn Tough Socks.

Author’s note: One day, I will have to write a post specifically about my love for Darn Tough socks. They are without a doubt one of my favorite things, but that is a story for another time.

Johnson Hardware had a nice bench outside where I was able to sit, organize my gear and throw away the trash I was carrying around. The sun high in the sky at this point and the weather was warm. I only had another 4 miles to go, so I took an hour break and ate a big lunch.

Reluctantly, I did eventually get up, put my pack back on (now heavier with restocked food and gear), and walk towards the trail.

From the Hardware store the Long Trail followed a bike path before crossing over VT-15 and a suspension bridge over a river before climbing up Prospect Rock towards the shelter. A few hours later, and I made it to Roundtop where I found this cute little sign. 46.8 miles to go!!!!

Right after the sign was Roundtop Shelter, and as I approached, I could see that Brian and Shane had made it before I did. There car was only a few miles ahead, so they were going to spend their last night on trail at Roundtop Shelter.

Once I got settled in, we actually had another hiker join us. His name was Mickey from Boston. He had also been hiking the Long Trail in sections over years, and was planning on finishing it this year. He offered to get a fire going, Shane, Brian, and I did not dissuade him. The night was getting cold, plus there was a nice fire ring in front of the shelter.

I gave Mickey some of my Vaseline soaked cotton balls to help with the fire and we gathered some small firewood. 15 minutes later, we had a fire going!!! I can’t tell you how good it was to have a fire going. We stayed up quite late talking about other hikes we have done and other random stories. Sometimes I enjoy the solitude, but it was great getting to meet other hikers out there.

With another long day planned for tomorrow, I said goodnight to the others, and climbed into my sleeping bag, another day closer to Canada.

Previously: Mansfield Doesn’t Disappoint

Tomorrow: Moose on the Loose


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