Long Trail: Day 1 (A Most Expected Journey)

September 4th, 2021: LT Southern Terminus to Congon Shelter (10 miles)

The morning began with a mad scramble…

I had assumed that Bennington being a decent sized city would have some Uber and Lyft drivers.

Ron Howard Narrator Voice: “They did not”.

With that option out the window, I did what any normal millennial would do an I googled Bennington taxis. As it happens, there was one listed…only one. Fingers crossed, I called that taxi service and someone answered. I explained my predicament and was told that she could take me there for $40.

The trailhead was only 15 minutes away via car so I knew this was a rip-off, but seeing as I had no other options, I accepted.

10 harrowing minutes later I arrived at the trailhead. I called my wife, told her I loved her and I started my adventure. The sun was shining and the weather was perfect.

Before actually getting to the Long Trail, you first have to go up the Pine Cobble Trail which is 3 miles. After meeting up with the Appalachian Trail, I continued north until I reached the Southern Terminus.

Upon starting the trail I immediately took note of one thing…mud. every 5 feet there were pools of mud. This continued throughout the day. They don’t call it ‘Vermud’ for nothing I guess. It was so bad, I actually lost my shoe. As I lifted my foot, my shoe was stuck in the mud.

Not many breathtaking views on the first day, but I saw some great beaver ponds along the way.

At around 4pm I made it to Congnon shelter. That was my home for the night. I usually don’t sleep in shelters, but the prospect of not having to set up a tent was intriguing to me.

I met another hiker who set up a tent near the shelter. His trail name was Mr. Bobblehead, and he had gotten that name from being in the Navy. He is retired and he was also thru-hiking the Long Trail. We ate dinner and talked for a few hours. I found out (through Mr. Bobblehead) that a large group of LT NOBO thru hikers started the day before which explains why I didn’t see many out on the trail. Maybe I’ll catch up to them.

Tomorrow: Glastenbury Fire Tower


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