Hello Friends

If you are reading this, then you’ve arrived at my blog. You must truly be desperate for content. Might I interest you in one of the several thousand streaming services that are available, or encourage you to read a book?




You’re still here? Okay great! Now that I have your attention I’d like to take this opportunity to lay out what this blog is about and illustrate why I started writing in the first place.

My plan for this blog is to share the best (and worst) parts of my backpacking trips and outdoor adventures. It’s for those of you who have a deep love for the outdoors and are interested in learning more about me! Thrilling I know.

My intention for this blog is to be instructive and constructive. For each backpacking trip I’ll post about my outdoor experiences, itineraries, animal encounters, and the gear I take with me. When I was first started backpacking, I sought out more and more resources surrounding the subject; it wasn’t easy. I’m not a backpacking expert, but if I can help another person discover, explore or habituate the great outdoors…then writing all these words will have been worth it.

Thank you for reading. I hope it was easier to read than it was for me to write. I look forward to having you along for my adventures and I hope we cross paths on the trail. Please feel free to subscribe for notifications and publications!


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